RS 911

RS 911

Bu fabrika OEM RS 911 tekerlekler bir unknown ile donatılmış olarak geliyor modelleri. Bu, unknown "çapında ve unknown" genişliğinde bir alüminyum janttır. Bu BBS jantları unknown adım merkez çapına sahiptir. Bu BBS jantlarının ofseti unknown 'dir. Tekerlekler unknown mm merkez deliklidir ve unknown ve unknown ile donatılmıştır. Bu RS 911 jantlar, aşağıdaki özelliklere yedek lastikle uyuşması durumunda verilen diğer araçlara uyabilir.
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BBS automotive technology AG

Conditioning BMW5 to


77757 Schiltach

Report no. 18 10 08




wheel type:

RS 911 (8.5 J x 18 H2 ET 15)


Version: 09.31.150


Page 2 ( Stand 09/03)




continued to

  1. range of
  2. xx / xx documents the current state of the Directive 70/156 / EEC (total operating permit) and _ _ the respective addendum to the operating permit. The assignment of the vehicle type approval is sufficient for the needs of this expert opinion.

Second tires

In conjunction with the wheel types RS 911 (. Exemplary 09.31.150), the following combinations are permitted different tires, taking into account the relevant conditions and notes: Combination 1:



Conditions and notes


front 235/40 R 18 - XX *


R) 15)

Rear 235/40 R 18 - XX *


R) 15)

Combination 1a:





front 235/40 R 18 - XX *


R) 15)

Rear 255/35 R 18 - XX *


R) RT) 6b) 6c) 6d) 12b) 14) 15)

1b combination:





front 235/40 R 18 - XX *


R) 15)

Rear 265/35 R 18 - XX *


R) R1) 6b) 6c) 6d) 12b) 14) 15)

Combination 2:





front 245/40 R 18 - XX *


R) 2) 4) 15)

Rear 245/40 R 18 - XX *


R) 12) 15)

Conditions and notes

  1. Radanbau only permissible in conjunction with BBS - Accessory Kit T.Nr. 09.31.150 consisting of centering T.Nr. 09.23.491 (center bore ∅ 74 mm, turquoise color) andcone bund - bolts M 12 x 1.5 x 29 mm ( Torque 110 Nm)
  2. There are only front and rear tires of a manufacturer and type permitted.

* ) The required speed index is given in the vehicle papers. The suitability of the tire used, in particular the required Tire inflation pressure in connection with the present load index at the respective maximum speed, the maximum axle loads and camber values ​​and using different tire sizes in front and behind also to facilitate use in connection with electronic control systems (ABS, ASR etcIs.) evidenced by the tire manufacturer. Gives way to the tire from the standard pressure off the driver to point appropriately to it (air pressure sticker, complete the manual)!

In any case, corresponding Eignungsnachweise are required which can lead to further action on the vehicle and / or other conditions, if necessary, or may shown that the use must be excluded. Of the Vehicle owner / guide must ensure that when regeneration of the tire to another as the tested brand or type, it no risk or irregularity must come.













BBS automotive technology AG

Conditioning BMW5 to




77757 Schiltach

Report no. 18 10 08







wheel type:



RS 911 (8.5 J x 18 H2 ET 15)


Version: 09.31.150



Journal: 3 ( Stand 09/03)






continued to





Conditions and notes




For this combination, a release of the tire manufacturer on the assembling of the tire on said rim width is



additionally required.




In this case, a tire Brand specific and binding type is to be made in the registration documents.


RT) In this combination, in particular the carrying capacity of the mounted on the rear axle to observe the tire.

  1. The clearance between the tire and the wheelhouse liner and in the region of the brake ventilation duct is to be produced over the entire impact area. Depending on the setup status of the vehicle (eg lowering of their vehicle, favorable tolerance position, etc.) it may be possible that the Radfreigang is sufficient.
  2. The clearance between the tire and stabilizer and Radhausinnenseite be manufactured over the entire impact area. Depending on the setup status of the vehicle (eg lowering of their vehicle, favorable tolerance position, etc.) it may be possible that the Radfreigang is sufficient. 6b)

The projecting into the wheel cutout rear bumper face is to be reduced in the upper region for a length of about 30 mm by about 5 mm from the inside (or rear apron exhibit laterally. 6c)

The wheelhouse liner is reworked or on the Radhausaußenseite in the area above the rear bumper to the rear to cut.

The wheelhouse liner is reworked or on the Radhausaußenseite the area above the wheel arch up to cut. On sufficient attachment to look for. 6d) The standard part folded over fold on wheel cut is at least from the rear bumper to. 260 mm in front of the wheel center Completely convert cart (tightly). Thereafter the seam is at least up to the height of the lateral bar to. Convert Cart 45 °.additionally is the wheel cutout on the rear apron by approximately 12 - 14 mm expand outwardly - auslaufend to about 130 mm from the wheel center.

  1. The clearance between the tire and wheel cut is to be made over the entire area bounding. Depending on the setup status of the vehicle (eg Fahrzeugtiefer- interpretation, favorable tolerance position, etc.) it may be possible that the Radfreigang is sufficient.

12b) After carrying out the finishing work of the clearance between the tire outer side, andentire wheel cutout or Radhausaußenseite in each case with complete the inset check rear axle and possibly produce by other measures.

  1. is to be produced by the cultivation of suitable parts or by other suitable measures a sufficient wheel cover to the rear wheel arches. Depending on the setup state of the vehicle (z. B. Lowering vehicle, Radabdeckungs- broadening, etc.) it may be possible that the wheel cover is sufficient.
  2. The mounting of snow chains is not permitted.


* * * * * * *

Accreditation under DAR registration number KBA-P 00001-95 of the accreditation body of the Federal Motor Vehicle Office, Federal Republic of Germany


- 4 -












BBS automotive technology AG

Conditioning BMW5 to


77757 Schiltach

Report no. 18 10 08




wheel type:

RS 911 (8.5 J x 18 H2 ET 15)


Version: 09.31.150


Page: 4 ( Stand 09/03)






Decrease of cultivation


The proper state of the vehicle is ended by an officially recognized knowledgeable, or tester for motor vehicle traffic or a motor vehicle expert or an employee to a section 7.4 of Appendix VIII to traffic regulations stating


  • vehicle manufacturers


  • vehicle type


  • certify to have vehicle identification number.




The plant BMW5 (pages 1 to 4) is only valid in connection with the report no. 18 10 08 1 181 for the wheel type RS 911th





Wheel data (short version)






Front and rear axles








Wheel type /

Wheel size /







Allowable offset. wheelMaxload.Rolling/ circumference














RS 911 /

J 8 1/2 x 18 H2

765 kg /






ET 15

2098 mm

09.23.491 cone

bund screwM12 x 1.5 x 29


Fahrzeugh creator:


Bay erische Motor Werke AG (BMW) Munich





















EEC - approval


trade name






number. 1)







































5 / D


e1 * xx / xx * 0028 * .. DD

11 / DD 12 / DD 21 / DD 22












11 DM / DM 12/21 DM / DM 22 BMW 520 i

























11 DT / DT 12/21 DT / DT 22

BMW 520 i (2.2 ltr.)
























BMWDD31523/DDi 32 / DD 41 / DD 42 31 DM / DM 32/41 DM / DM 42
























31 DT / DT 32/41 DT / DT 42

BMW 525 i
























BMWDD51528/DDi 52 / DD 61 / DD 62 51 DM / DM 52/61 DM / DM 62
























51 DT / DT 52/61 DT / DT 62

BMW 530 i
























DE 11 / DE 12 / DE 21 / DE 22 DN 11 / DN

BMW 535 i











12 / DN 21 / DN 22

























DE 51 / DE 52 / DE 61 / DE 62 DN 51 / DN

BMW 540 i











52 / DN 61 / DN 62

























DM 71

BMW 520 d
























DL 91 / DL 92 / DL 01 / DL 02

BMW 525 d
























DF 51 / DF 52

BMW 525 td
























DF 71 / DF 72/81 DF / DF 82

BMW 525 tds
























DL 71 / DL 72 / DL 81 / DL 82

BMW 530 d